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Together, we shape a resilient tomorrow




2025.03.22 | UK Partnership for Accelerated Transitions (UKPact) Workshop
Our Chief Operating Officer (COO) Ms. Chang Siaw Yen attended a recent workshop organised by British High Commission Kuala Lumpur (BHC KL) with the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the UK Department for Energy Security (DESNZ) focusing on UK Partnership for Accelerated Climate Transitions (UKPact) support. Ms. Chang also shared our experiences in previous UKPact project which Eco-Ideal participated. In 2025, there will be an extension of UKPact programme and we look forward to forging further partnership with this programme.


2025.03.15 | Assessment of Emerging E-Waste in Malaysia
Eco-Ideal Consulting Sdn Bhd is pleased to be appointed by one of the largest global development institutions to initiate a rapid assessment into E-Waste management and opportunities within Malaysia. With emerging development trends pointing towards green technologies such as Solar Power, Electric Vehicle, Battery Energy Storage System as well as green data centres in Malaysia, the inevitable generation of potentially harmful hazardous waste must be tackled so these green investments would not lead to another environmental disaster. Our study will elaborate on the current landscape of E-Waste management, potential environmental impacts as well as investment opportunities for improvement. 

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2025.03.09 | National Consultation Workshop on EPR in Thailand
Eco-Ideal Consulting Sdn Bhd participated and provided support to the national consultation workshop for Thailand on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) under the support of European Union SWITCH-Asia Official programme in Bangkok Thailand today. As regional coordinator, Hun Yang Soon provided an introduction to the Technical Advisory on EPR and also assisted in compilation of inputs from the variety of stakeholders. The EPR TA involves several countries within Asian region, including Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Pakistan and Kazakhstan.  


2025.02.22 | Carbon Credit - Methane Capture from Palm OIl Mill Effluent (POME)
Methane emissions from industrial wastewater such as palm oil mill effluent (POME) contributes to climate change if not addressed. Eco-Ideal is grateful to be appointed the consultant to conduct feasibility study as well as subsequent documentation and registration work by a renowned government linked company in State of Johor. Eco-Ideal will be assessing the eligibility of the project to qualify for voluntary carbon credit mechanism (VERRA) as well as the estimated amount of emission reduction (credits) that can potentially be generated from a palm oil mill near Johor Bahru.  

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2024.09.26 | Eco-Ideal Presented at the ISWA World Congress in Cape Town South Africa
Eco-Ideal Consulting Sdn Bhd's Ts. Lik Wei Choong made his international conference presentation debut at the ISWA International Solid Waste Association world congress at Cape Town South Africa recently, presenting our innovative works on waste recycling in Malaysia. This ISWA world congress is an annual gathering of solid waste experts from all over the world to share and discuss latest development in solid waste management around the globe. This year marks the first time that the ISWA congress was organised on Africa continent where around 1200 participants joined in the 3 day event. Eco-Ideal also participated in technical tours to local waste treatment and disposal facilities in Cape Town, including material recovery facilities, landfill and even a good vineyard!


2024.08.31 | Low Carbon Planning for Township in Petaling Jaya
Eco-Ideal Consulting Sdn Bhd is excited to be involved in a major rezoning project (township) in Petaling Jaya whereby we assist the developer and town planner to assess the greenhouse gases emissions impact of the proposed land use changes and most interesting part is how to decarbonise it into a beacon project which would contribute to PJ's low carbon aspiration. Nothing beats the chance to influence real project design at the planning stage to consider climate change impacts and contribution - definitely should be mainstreamed in future planning approvals!

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2024.08.24 | Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Decarbonisation for Local Authority in Sarawak
Eco-Ideal Consulting Sdn Bhd is grateful to be awarded a consultancy contract to assist a major local authority in Sarawak to undertake their inaugural disclosure of their greenhouse gas emissions at a corporate level using international disclosure standard as well as to derive possible decarbonisation actions moving forward. This bold step taken by the local authority demonstrate their strong leadership to promote low carbon development and for sure will set a beacon for other local authorities in Sarawak to follow. This marks the first government level intervention for Eco-Ideal and hopefully more coming!


2024.08.17 | Landfill Gas Recovery and Utilisation in Pugu Landfill, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania
Eco-Ideal Consulting Sdn Bhd will assist an international partner to undertake an independent review on the feasibility of landfill gas and utilisation at one of the largest dumpsites in Dar Es Salaam Tanzania in Africa. We are excited to contribute to the reduction of methane emissions from landfill on a global scale! 


2024.08.03 | Carbon Credits for EV Charging Systems
Eco-Ideal is grateful to be appointed as consultant to assist a pioneering group in the region to develop a group project for carbon credit claims for EV Charging Systems. This would mark the first EV Charging Systems voluntary carbon programme to be registered in Malaysia which would provide further diversification to technology based carbon credit projects in the country. Carbon financing can be introduced as a driving force of faster adoption of EV charging infrastructure development which would be in line with national low carbon policies and contribute to international climate change commitment. 


2024.07.17 | We turned 21!
Eco-Ideal recently celebrated its 21st year old birthday, birth since July 2003. 21 years is definitely not very long but as an emerging consultancy in the market, it has been a wonderful and rewarding journey where we have served a wide range of clients. From international donor agencies from Denmark, Japan, to multinationals like Nestle, Siemens as well as national, State and local government, we have had a fair shares of learning, growing and building. The management of Eco-Ideal and all our lovely staff would like to sincerely thank our passionate and understanding clients for their support and trust over all these years. Let's drive forward! 

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2024.07.13 | Palm Oil Biogas Carbon Credit Verification and Issuance Support
Eco-Ideal is grateful to support a registered voluntary carbon project to conduct verification and issuance request of their carbon credits. Carbon credit from such technology based carbon credit project will only be issued after a thorough checking and assessment by an independent auditor which is accredited by the international carbon standard organisation. Continuous data must be available and all monitoring equipment such as flowmeter, methane analyser must be calibrated as part of the monitoring requirement for carbon credit certification. 


2024.06.16 | Validation of Palm Oil Biogas Carbon Credit Project
Eco-Ideal recently supported a major biogas developer in Malaysia for their inaugural validation of their palm oil biogas carbon credit group project. Third party validation is a requirement for carbon credit projects following international voluntary carbon credit standards and it involves a thorough review and validation by an approved validation and verification body (VVB). The overall validation process went smoothly and now we look forward to finalise the validation report together with the validator and move on to the registration process.

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2024.06.07 | Holistic Management of Construction and Demolition Waste for Sarawak 
Eco-Ideal is excited to be appointed as the consultant to focus on improving the management of construction and demolition (C&D) waste generated in Sarawak. The study will include developing the baseline data and existing management of C&D waste, review of legal and institutional requirements for improvement, technological solutions for recovery and recycling of C&D waste, potential introduction of economic instrument, development of secondary material market and standards and so on.  

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2024.06.01 | Carbon Stock Assessment for Reforestration and Conservation Areas 
Eco-Ideal is pleased to be appointed the consultant to perform a carbon stock analysis for a reforestration area by one of the major palm oil conglomenrates to assess the carbon stock changes since the project inception. The project will also include assessing carbon stock baseline for conservation areas throughout Malaysia. Monitoring, verification and reporting are important elements of carbon removal initiatives. Comprehensive documentation is crucial to demonstrate transparency and integrity of such actions. 
Do reach out to us should you require such support!


2024.05.22 | EU Switch Asia 6th Annual Meeting in Almaty Kazakstan  
Eco-Ideal participated in the 6th Annual Meeting organised by the Switch Asia Programme supported by the European Union from 20-21 May 2024 in Almaty, Kazakstan. The meeting was attended by a wide range of participants, including international organisations, grant receivers, EU delegations in different parts of Asia, partner implementers, technical experts involved in sustainable consumption and production, circular economy area. Our CEO Soon assisted in facilitating discussions on plastic waste management as well as closing the recycled secondary material loop.


2024.05.18 | Carbon Market Roundtable 
Our CEO Soon Hun Yang recently participated in a close door roundtable discussion on carbon market development. The roundtable discussion is held in conjunction to the Asia Carbon Conference organised by Argus in Kuala Lumpur. The roundtable included a variety of participants representing government, carbon traders, carbon credit rating agencies, consultants as well as industries such as oil and gas, iron and steel industry and so on. 

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2024.05.15 | Argus Asia Carbon Conference Participation
Our CEO Soon Hun Yang presented at the Argus Asia Carbon Conference held in Kuala Lumpur from 13-15 May 2024. This international conference, graced by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability (NRES), gathered a wide range of international and local participants representing government, private sectors as well as NGOs and media. The focus of the event is on the current and future carbon market trend, latest development in carbon credit project types, integrity and transparency issues, elaboration of challenges and opportunities and so on. Soon presented on the topic of how Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) will affect industries in Asia and whether it would present a driver towards low carbon investment and transition within the Asian region. 

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2024.05.05 | Due Dilligence Advisory for Biomethane in Sarawak
Eco-Ideal Consulting Sdn Bhd has been appointed by a multinational company to review and provide an independent assessment to due diligence report made on biomethane production from palm oil biogas in Sarawak. The advisory will include both technical and financial aspects. This proposal will help to address the existing wastage of methane gas captured from palm oil mill effluent which is mainly flared or released without any treatment. 


2024.04.27 | SWITCH-Asia Malaysia Business Engagement Workshop on Circular Economy
Circular economy requires businesses to innovate and create new solutions and ecosystems. European Union supported SWITCH-ASIA programme recently organised a workshop to explore how to mobilise businesses to embark on circular economy solutions within the ASEAN region. Our CEO Soon HY participated in the event and it is nice to see young entrepreneur setting up material closed loop solutions in Malaysia, including rubber, glass and textile. Find out more here:

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2024.04.08 | GHG Inventory for Diversified Public Listed Group
Eco-Ideal Consulting Sdn. Bhd. has been appointed by a diversified conglomerate which is public listed on Bursa Malaysia to undertake its inaugural GHG Inventory to fulfil sustainability reporting requirement by 2025. The group's business include renewable energy, packaging, quarries, plantation and properties. 

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2024.03.31 | Climate-Related Disclosure - Physical Risk Assessment
By 2025, public listed companies in Malaysia, including financial institutions will need to disclose their climate-related risk under the Taskforce for Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD). It is timely for corporate to start mapping out their assets against various physical risks due to climate change. In Malaysia, flooding would be the biggest physical risk and the first step would be to get your assets geo-coded and assessed their exposure to potential flooding impacts. Do contact Eco-Ideal Consulting Sdn Bhd should you want to know more.


2024.03.23 | First POME Biogas Group Project Registered in Malaysia under VERRA
On 21st of March, the much awaited palm oil mill biogas group project has finally been registered by one of the largest voluntary carbon standard - VERRA. The first project registered under the group project is the Cenergi's 1.5 MW Langkap Biogas Project and the carbon credit development was managed by Monsoon Carbon Pte Ltd based in Singapore. Eco-Ideal is pleased to provide technical support throughout the entire project documention, validation and registration processes. Congratulations!

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2024.03.14 | Canadian Green Technologies for Malaysia
Eco-Ideal is pleased to be appointed to support the Team Canada Trade Mission to Malaysia in 2024. Eco-Ideal will assist to compile  market report on the landscape as well as opportunities for canadian companies whom will be in Malaysia 25-29 March 2024. The contingent would be led by the honourable Minister of Trade Ms. Mary Ng from Canada. Our CEO Engr. Soon will be presenting and moderating at an event on 25th March 2024.


2024.03.09 | Technical Support in Carbon Monitoring and Reporting for Major Bank in Malaysia
Eco-Ideal will continue to assist one of the top five banks in Malaysia to continue monitoring their carbon emissions and reduction action plans. This marks the fifth year Eco-Ideal has been providing supporting services especially in the area of technical quality assurance as well as quantification of low carbon initiatives implemented. Continuous monitoring and reporting is a crucial process to ensure carbon reduction targets will be achieved. 

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2024.03.02 | Argus Asia Carbon Conference in Kuala Lumpur, May 2024
Our CEO Soon Hun Yang will be speaking at the upcoming Argus Asia Carbon Conference which would be held in Shangrila Hotel Kuala Lumpur in May 2024. He will be speaking on the subject of European Union's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and it's impact as well opportunities on the affected industries such as Iron and Steel, Alumninium and Cement Industries in Malaysia.
For more information:


2024.02.29 | Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) for European Imports
To avoid carbon leakages, the European Union is in progress to implement a carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) to ensure all products imported to EU will be subjected to carbon tax based on the product carbon intensity. Currently, the reporting phase has started with affected companies initiating their greenhouse gases emission development. In 2026, the CBAM will be enforced with a phasing in approach and companies will be expected to pay full CBAM certificate price by 2035. Affected sectors for now include iron and steel, cement, hydrogen, energy and fertiliser producers. Should you want to learn more on this, please contact us! 

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2024.02.28 | Mapping Carbon Footprint of Oil and Gas Service Provider
In 2025, all public listed companies (PLCs) in Malaysia will be required by Bursa Malaysia to disclose their carbon (Greenhouse Gases) emissions. In line with this, many PLCs are starting the journey to map out their greenhouse gases emissions (or carbon footprint) before moving on to decarbonisation pathway. Eco-Ideal is pleased to be appointed by a major oil and gas player whom are providing various support services to oil and gas industries to develop their inaugural GHG inventory based on international GHG reporting standards. The activities will cover their global operations. 

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2024.02.09 | Can BioChar be Carbon Credit Potential? 
Our CEO Soon Hun Yang and CTO Chen Saw Ling attended the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) Roundtable on Biochar organised by Bursa Malaysia's BCX team on 22 Feb 2024. The roundtable was attended by a wide range of stakeholders and the discussion on potential of biochar as a solution for biomass waste created a lot of interesting discussions and thoughts.

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2024.02.09 | Wishing All Our Esteemed Clients and Associates Happy Chinese New Year!
Eco-Ideal Consulting Sdn Bhd will be taking a short break in conjunction to the celebration of the chinese lunar new year 2024.
We would like to wish all our clients, associates, friends and families a joyful, blessed celebration. This year is the year of the "Wooden"
Dragon - Hopeful it will be a good year for sustainability sector. Gong Xi Fatt Chai All!


2024.01.12 | GHG Inventory Support for Automotive and Tile Manufacturers
Eco-Ideal Consulting Sdn Bhd is working with a major automotive and tile manufacturer to develop their greenhouse gases emission as part of their decarbonisation journey. As part of the project, our team visited the factories and assessed the emission sources as well as potential emission reduction initiatives. A decarbonisation roadmap has been developed in close consultation with the group and hopefully we can help them to contribute to Malaysia's aspiration to reduce carbon emissions. 


2024.01.01 | GHG Inventory Support for Palm Oil Conglomerate 
Eco-Ideal Consulting Sdn Bhd will assist a major palm oil conglomerate to continue tracking their greenhouse gases emission for the third year as part of their decarbonisation journey. The scope will include charting their latest reporting year, including scope 1, 2 and selected sub-categories of scope 3. The GHG reporting is an essential part of the ESG reporting under the Bursa Malaysia's Sustainability Reporting Guidance requirement.


2023.12.29 | Carbon Footprinting for Coffee Restaurant Chain 
Eco-Ideal Consulting Sdn Bhd has been appointed by one of the largest coffee restaurant chains in Malaysia to undertake an assessment of their carbon footprint from the entire food and beverage operations throughout Malaysia and Singapore. The coverage will include different emission scopes and we are excited to help the group on their decarbonisation journey.  


Solid Waste Management Project
Solid Waste Management Project
Solid Waste Management Project

Integrated Solid Waste Management Study

Assessment of Carbon Credit Feasibility for Forestry

MYEcoPlan – a low
carbon planning tool

Sarawak, East Malaysia

Sabah, East Malaysia


 Credible, Responsive and


We believe in real actions towards a sustainable future - people talk, we do

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